
Inner peace and positive self-expression.




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Hides inner worries with a jovial expression. Suppresses emotions. Inability to express one’s true feelings. Mental torture. Dislikes confrontation, likes to keep the peace at all costs.

Inner peace and positive self-expression.

‘The jovial, cheerful, humorous people who love peace and are distressed by argument or quarrel, to avoid which they will agree to give up much. Though generally they have troubles and are tormented and restless and worried in mind or in body, they hide their cares behind their humour and jesting and are considered very good friends to know. They often take alcohol or drugs in excess, to stimulate themselves and help themselves bear their trials with cheerfulness.’

Weight 0.086 kg

Bach Flower Dosage Instructions

For a combination dosage bottle, several Essences may be mixed together, up to a maximum of 6 or 7, and taken in several ways. Place 2 drops of each chosen Essence in a clean glass dropper bottle with still spring water and a teaspoon of brandy or cider vinegar as a preservative. If Emergency is included, count as one Essence, but use four drops instead of two. Then take 4 drops from your dosage bottle 6-8 times a day until patterns have been rebalanced and one is feeling much more positive. The time scale for this is different for everyone. A small child may only need Essences for 2-3 weeks, whereas, if someone is older and has been in the negative state all their life, while they may feel great improvement after 2-3 weeks, it may take several more weeks to fully complete the process.

In this case, when improvement is noticed after a few weeks and one then stops taking the Essences, the state may return if it has not been released from all levels of consciousness. It is then necessary to continue, knowing that this was an appropriate combination. Consistency is the key. The more frequently the essences are taken, the sooner they work. Essences may also be taken direct from the stock bottle, or 2-4 drops in a glass of water, juice or tea and sipped frequently. 4 or 5 drops from each chosen stock bottle (or 15-20 drops from a dosage bottle) in a 500ml water bottle for the day, is easy for many.

Essences are best taken away from food if possible. When taking the Essences it is best to affirm the positive qualities. While the patterns themselves have not changed since Dr. Bach’s day, due to the expansion of consciousness on the planet and the faster clearing process we are all now moving through, we and many others have observed repeatedly that taking drops directly from stock bottles will speed up the process by about 50%. However, diluting to a treatment bottle is more economical and is fine, as long as the combination is taken regularly, at least 6–8 times a day. Many also feel that putting 7 drops from each stock bottle into a dosage bottle, rather than the 2 drops traditionally, makes for a deeper acting combination. Follow what you feel is best.

Essences do not replace medical attention which should be called for when necessary.

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