Contents: Energised Spring Water, Organic Alcohol. 15% bva. 30ml.
Vibrational Frequencies:
Kahurangi Mountain Clematis – Grounds
Alpine Donatia – Restores Peace
Hangehange – Restores Balance
Yellow Perching Kohuhu – Calms & Clears Panic
Maakoako – Releases Tension
Mountain Bog Pine – Stabilises Emotional Body
Pingao – Grounding & Holding Oneself Together
Rengarenga Lily – Clears Shock-Trauma
Velvet-Leaved Tikumu – Helps Mind to Focus
Tough Totara – Inner Resources & Strength
Tutukiwi Orchid – Stabilises the Aura
Indispensable at times of stress, it helps you to be calm and focused during exams or driving tests etc. Excellent to take continuously before any future appointment which makes you feel nervous, such as dental visits, job interviews, etc. Carry a bottle with you at all times to help to yourself and others whenever needed. For knocks, bruises, pain, stings or you can also apply drops, on their own, or mixed in a small amount of water, to the affected area . . . You may wonder how you previously managed life without it.
For Emergency, Anxiety, Panic or Trauma: Take 4 drops on the tongue directly from the stock bottle & continue until relief is obtained, or put 4 drops in a glass of water & sip. As the effects of shock or trauma are released from the system so the body’s own natural healing process can activate itself.
For Long-term Anxiety-Stress: Take 4 drops, 4-5 times daily, under the tongue or in a small glass of water, finish bottle and review. 16 drops can also be put in a 500ml water bottle & sipped throughout the day.
Take away from food. Essences will not interfere with any other treatment.
NB. NZ Rescue does not replace medical attention when necessary.