Helps with: Suppressed Creativity or Feelings of Frustration. Tension, Impatience or Emotional Extremes. May be Issues with Relationships, Intimacy or Sexuality. Low Self-Esteem. Female Issues. Overworking. Possible Stress from Internalised Anger.
Contents: Energised Spring Water, Organic Alcohol. 15% bva. 30ml.
Vibrational Frequencies of:
Maori Caleolaria, Ewekuri Milk Tree, Alpine Parahebe, Pukatea, Red Matipo, Taupata, Orange-Red Taurepo, Tree Fern Korus. Peach Calcite, Richmond Ranges. Carnelian with Quartz Geodes, Coromandel.
Dosage: 4 – 7 drops under the tongue, or in a small glass of water, 4 – 5 times daily. Finish bottle and review.