Contents: Energised Spring Water, Organic Alcohol. 15% bva. 30ml.
Vibrational Frequencies:
Alpine Cassinia, Nikau Palm, Raurenga & Taranga. Malachite*, Nelson Ranges. Gold in Quartz*, Aorere Valley. Pounamu Nephrite-Greenstone*, Arahura & Haast. Deep Amethyst*, Rakaia. Aqua Blue Kyanite, Westland.
Uses & Dosage:
1). Excess Solar Radiation: Sunburn & Sun Damage
7 drops in water, or Aloe or Mamaku gel, swabbed over area regularly & left to dry naturally. Good for sunburn, eases long-term free-radical issues & assists etheric renewal for sun-stressed skin. Also use in Baths – see below.
2). X-Rays, Dental X-Rays, Airport Scans & Body Scans**:
7 drops in a glass of pure water 3 x daily, for the next 3 days and swab area daily, as above. For full-body scans, use Baths.(Thermography is a harmless, radiation-free alternative to breast scans – get informed**)
3). Full Artificial Radiation Detox & Protection:
Best Practice: 7 drops in glass of pure water 2-3 x daily + regular Baths* until 30ml bottle finished for the best long-term, protective effects. For continued exposure, or free-radical/compromised dna concerns, repeat every 3-6 months (depending on exposure or proximity to Artificial Radiation).
Family Use: 20 drops in 2L of pure water & 2 glasses or water-bottle daily, for regular week-long periods.
Diets high in iodine/seaweed are also proven helpful: Use Full Strength Lugols**or Fucus extract as additional protective measures.
Baths: 20 drops added to a bath with handful of sea salt & the juice of a lemon mixed-in first. Bathe/Soak for 20 minutes. Enhances all the above.
Take away from food. Essences will not interefere with any other treatment.